Ocean and Rivers
Ep. 20 If We Have Plenty of Frogs We Have a Healthy Environment
I went for a walk with my handy recording to record the sound of frogs; I live very close to the Cold Spring Park here in Newton, Massachusetts. This forest has a tiny part of a marsh in the middle where the frogs are croaking all day or at least after raining or during the…
Read MoreEp. 19 Lo nuevo de la pandemia : La basura COVID – Las mascarillas en los océanos
Los conservacionistas han advertido que la pandemia de coronavirus podría provocar un aumento en la contaminación del océano, lo que se suma a un exceso de desechos plásticos que ya amenaza la vida marina, después de encontrar máscaras desechables flotando como medusas y guantes de látex empapados de agua esparcidos por los fondos marinos. Una…
Read MoreEp.8 My Experience in the COASTSWEEP Cleanup at Mystic River ~ Boston
Fight Trash for a Healthy Ocean COASTSWEEP is part of the International Coastal Cleanup organized by Ocean Conservancy in Washington, DC. Volunteers from all over the world collect marine debris and record the types of trash they collect. I like to be part of volunteerism and raise awareness in communities to help create a better planet. On…
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